Alex Anderson

Promise Fu

May 14, 2019 Alex Anderson JavaScript


If you aren't familiar with promises, be sure to check out my earlier post on the topic. In this post, I'll be talking about some interesting, unique, and downright weird things you can do with promises.

Regular Promises

Promises encapsulate asynchronous actions and handle running them in the background and reporting the result. Successful results can be accessed through the .then() method; errors are handled with .catch(). If the function passed to .then() returns a promise, then more .then() and .catch() statements can be chained to the end. Also, errors bubble up the promise chain until they meet a .catch(), so a .catch() can be added at the end to handle all errors in the whole chain.

.then(res => res.text())
.then(res => console.log(res))
.catch(err => console.error("Error accessing page:", err));

Multiple Resolve Handlers

You can actually perform multiple actions on the same promise:

const myPromise = fetch("").then(res => res.text());
myPromise.then(res => console.log("Resolution 1", res));
myPromise.then(res => console.log("Resolution 2", res));

Both will execute when the promise resolves.

Creating Promises

You can create promises from scratch with any kind of action that happens asynchronously. You can also use Promise.resolve() and Promise.reject() to create promises that immediately resolve or immediately catch:

const timerPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
timerPromise.then(secondCount => console.log(`I execute after ${secondCount} second!`)); // I execute after 1 second
Promise.resolve("Hello").then(res => console.log(res)); // "Hello"
Promise.reject("Error").catch(res => console.log(res)); // "Error"

The resolve() and reject() functions pass their arguments to the .then() and .catch() functions.

Parallel Promises

You can have two promises run at the same time by just running them next to each other:

const promise1 = fetch("").then(res => res.text());
const promise2 = fetch("").then(res => res.text());

Note a few limitations:

  1. You can't access the results of one promise in the other.
  2. You can't access the results of either promise in the function that calls them. Everything the promises do has to happen inside of the promise's chain.

Like parallel lines, the promises never touch.

Concurrent Promises

You can run multiple promises at the same time and have the results of all of the promises continue down the promise chain. To do this, you use the Promise.all function:

const promise1 = fetch("").then(res => res.text());
const promise2 = fetch("").then(res => res.text());
Promise.all([promise1, promise2]).then(([result1, result2]) => {});

Promise.all is passed an array of promises. The .then() at the end resolves once all of the promises in the array resolve. If one of them errors, the whole promise errors.

Turning Lists into Promises

Suppose I have a list of things, like:

const pokemon = ["bulbasaur", "squirtle", "charmander", "pikachu"];

And I want to fetch them from an API. I could create the promises by mapping the array:

Promise.all( => fetch(`${p}`).then(res => res.json))

I can also sequentially run a list of promises using .reduce():

(accumulator, name) =>
accumulator.then(pokemonList =>
.then(res => res.json)
.then(res => pokemonList.concat(res))

Also, notice how I am resolving my fetch() promise inside of a single .then() function instead of chaining them. This lets me access the pokemonList variable and use it with the results of my fetch() promise.

Recursive Promises

Suppose I wanted to get a list of all Pokemon, and each response from gives me the next url, like so:

"count": 964,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"name": "bulbasaur",
"url": ""

I need to zip up my results into a single array, and need to keep fetching until the API doesn't give me a next URL. I can use a recursive function to do that:

function getPokemon(url, results) {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => {
if ( {
return getPokemon(, results.concat(res.results));
return results.concat(res.results);
getPokemon("").then(allPokemon =>
console.log("All Pokemon", allPokemon)

Rate-limited Promises

Suppose the Pokemon API only allows for a limited number of requests per second and I wanted to get a large list of Pokemon. I wouldn't want to use the mapping function to get all of the Pokemon all at once - that would cause errors because I'm requesting too fast. Instead, I can rate-limit my requests with Promises:

const pokemonIds = Array.from({ length: 50 }).map((_, i) => i + 1); // [1,2,3,4,...,100]
function doPromise() {
if (pokemonIds.length === 0) return Promise.resolve([]);
// Grab an ID and remove it from the pokemonIds array
const id = pokemonIds.pop();
console.log("Fetching", id);
// Return a promise
return fetch(`${id}`)
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => doPromise().then(secondResponse => secondResponse.concat(res)));
// Make our list of fetchers
Promise.all(Array.from({ length: 8 }).map(() => doPromise())).then(results =>

This will probably put your results out of order, so make sure you sort them when you're done.

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Alex Anderson is a husband, React web developer, Latter-day Saint, amateur rock climber, hobby chef, and spaceship enthusiast. He enjoys learning new things, teaching inspiring things, building cool things, and doing fun things.
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