Two Zero One Six
December 31, 2015 Alex Anderson Yearly Recap
After another spin around the sun, tis time for another yearly recap.
This year has certainly been harder than most in the hardest way possible - emotionally. I would say last year was the mentally strenuous year and the year before that was the physically strenuous year. This year was emotionally difficult. But, as the clichè goes, it's just like exercise - it only makes you stronger. I can say that. So, without further ado, here's the 2015 play-by-play.
- My brother and I landed our first client gig for our business. In exchange for two-way tickets to Europe (we didn't end up going, but it's all good), we built a homepage and registration website for the Royal Business Academy in the Czech Republic. It was a great experience and taught me a lot about freelance work (which one thing I'm considering for a career)
- I settled firmly into Information Systems as a major, with a Visual Arts (Graphic Design) minor. Other than Spring and Summer, I've been doing school full-time.
- I've also continued my work at BlenderBottle. This job has given me so many opportunities to learn new skills. This year was my first foray into mobile app development after making a few internal apps for BlenderBottle. I've taken those skills home and made some apps for personal projects.
- In fact, keep a look out for the official launch of, my new assassin game app.
- I've stayed involved with the Space Center and the Farpoint Creative team. I developed the Farpoint Station website last January for the cadets to log on to to get information about the Voyager club.
- I also programmed and ran the Project Voyager fundraiser website to collect money for the clubs and specialized rooms in the new Voyager Simulator. Also, look out for the new which will be launching when the Voyager is finished - that's some of my work too.
- After construction began on the Voyager II in May, I was over at Renaissance Academy overseeing the work that was being done. Brent and I spent Memorial Day weekend with our other brother, Stephen, Brent's (then) girlfriend, and her dad running cable through the entire ship. Many of my weekends have been spent wiring up speakers or placing light fixtures. It's hard to guess, but I would estimate that over the course of this entire year I've spent at least 500 hours working on that space ship.
- On August 1st at noon, after years of fighting it, my father succumbed to cancer and passed away. This has been a pivotal part of my year - everything before it and after it has pretty much revolved around this moment. There was the buildup and anxiety and uncertainty that surrounded the situation as he grew weaker and weaker over the year. Then the funeral. Then adjusting to life after. It's still a challenge and I think about him every day. But this is the way things are supposed to be. Thanks again to everyone who has been supportive during this entire year. It means the world to me and my family.
- I bought a car. Her name is Sunny and she's wonderful.
- I went with Brent to Los Angeles for a day. We played at the beach, went to Disneyland, and just partied. Why did we go? Just for kicks, but it also served as the bachelor party, because...
- Brent got married! Finally! This turned out to be both a wonderful thing and another difficult thing. He's most certainly one of the happiest people that I know, but It's been tough adjusting to this change in the relationship I have with my brother.
- I went to ComicCon SLC for the first time. It wasn't exactly what I was expecting, but it was still fun. Worth going to at least once.
- I went on a cruise! And finally left the country! My mom, sister and I went down to Ensenada, Mexico for a mid-semester vacation. It was great fun, and certainly an experience.
- I discovered my love of live music. That is to say I went to four or five concerts last year. Good times.
- Pretty much the rest of 2015 was spent doing the expected - school, work, and Spaceship. Those three things have defined my life for the past 12 months.
I've come to learn a lot about myself over the year. It's been tough, but it's been good. So, here's to 2016 - a year of change and challenge, a year of learning and love, a year of growth and... er... giving? gratitude? I'm sorry, my eloquence failed me there. Yeah, we'll go with gratitude.
2016 - a year of Gratitude™
Whatever. Have a great year everybody!